
The members of MIFP conduct theoretical and experimental research is many areas of Solid State Physics and Astrophysics.

  • The group of Prof. Rinaldo Santonico in collaboration with European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) currently works on gaseous detectors for elementary particles.
  • Prof. Boris Altshuler is one of the creators of mesoscopics also renowned for his works on theory of metals, superconductivity, quantum Hall effect.
  • Prof. Alexey Kavokin is specialising in the physics of light-matter coupling in nanostructures including microcavities and photonic crystals.
  • Prof. Andrey Varlamov is a renowned expert in superconductivity, an author of the "fluctuation theory".
  • Prof. Igor Lukyanchuk gave key contributions in the theory of superconductivity and theory of Dirac fermions in graphene.
  • Prof. Aldo Di Carlo is a head of Laboratory of Photovoltaics, he currently works on organic solar cells.
  • Prof. Daniele Sanvitto is a head of group of the optical spectroscopy of semiconductors. He is known for the recent discovery of the superfluidity of exciton-polaritons.
  • Prof. Olivia Pulci is an expert in ab-initio calculations of the electronic structure and optical properties of solids.
  • Dr. Galia Pozina is an expert in crystal growth and optical spectroscopy of wide band gap semiconductors.
  • Prof. Ivan Shelykh is known for his works on "Spinoptronics" - spin dynamics of exciton-polaritons, and for his research in quantum transport.
  • Dr. Kirill Kavokin is an expert in spin-related effects in semiconductors also known for his research on magnetic orientation of birds.
  • Prof. Daoud Mezzane is a head of Laboratory of Ferroelectric materials dealing with fabrication of organic and inorganic semiconductors for microelectronic applications.
  • Dr. Fabrice Laussy is an expert in quantum cavity electrodynamics, the author of the text-book "Microcavities".
  • Prof. Mikhail Portnoi is an expert in exactly solvable physical problems renowned for his works on anyon excitons, excitons in nanostructures and carbon nanotubes.
  • Dr. Robert Vardanian is the Director of the Quantum College in Yerevan, which is a private secondary school specialised in physics and mathematics.
  • Prof. Alberto Bramati is an expert in quantum optics and spin dynamics in semiconductors known also for the recent discovery of superfluidity of exciton-polaritons.
  • Prof. Oleg Kibis is an expert in carbon nanotubes and graphene.
  • Prof. Zhanghai Chen is a head of the Material Science laboratory. He is known for his research on excitons in wide-band gap semiconductors.
  • Dr. Henni Ouerdane is an expert in excitons, scattering theory, many-body interactions, thermoelectricity and thermodynamics.
  • Dr. Yuriy Rubo is an expert in theoretical solid state physics including phase transitions, Wigner crystallisation, superfluidity and vortices.
  • Prof. Yakov Kopelevich is an author of pioneering works on electronic properties of semimetals and graphene. He experimentally discovered the quantum Hall effect in graphite.
  • Prof. Jeremy Baumberg is an expert in semiconductor non-linear optics and plasmonics. He discovered the bosonic stimulation of exciton polaritons and realised a room temperature polariton laser.
  • Mr. Fabio Liaci is an expert in optical spectroscopy and strain effects in semiconductors.
  • Mr. Adriano Mosca Conte is an expert in ab-initio studies of novel semiconductor structures and materials.
  • Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis is an expert in experimental studies of microcavities and hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductor structures.
  • Prof. Pavlos Savvidis is known for his works on polariton parametric oscillators and first realisation of the polariton light emitting diode.
  • Prof. Igor Aleiner is an expert in solid state theory, transport and spin properties of metals and semiconductors.
  • Prof. Leonid Butov is an expert in cold exciton gases known for the first observation of macroscopically ordered exciton phases.
  • Dr. Maria Vladimirova is known for her experiments on optically induced Faraday and Kerr rotation in complex semiconductor structures.
  • Prof. Cristiano Ciuti is an expert in the physics of light-matter coupling, well known for his theoretical works on exciton-polariton parametric amplifiers, ultra-strong coupling systems and polariton superfluidity.
  • Prof. Leonid Rokhinson is a specialist in spintronics and electronic transport in semiconductor nanostructures.
  • Prof. Yuliy Lyanda Geller is an expert in semiconductor physics known for his works on photogalvanic effect, Berry phase and spin-orbit interaction in semiconductors.
  • Dr. Natalia Berloff is an expert in theory of fluids also known for her works on vortices in atomic and polariton condensates.
  • Dr. Timothy Liew is known for his research on new concepts of optical integrated circuits and polariton logic gates.
  • Dr. Valerii Vinokur is an internationally well known for his theoretical works on supercondutivity, theory of metals, the concept of a super insulator.
  • Prof. Abderrahmane Kadri is an expert in the optical properties of wide-band gap semiconductors.
  • Dr. Khalid Moumanis is an expert in optical properties of semiconductors and Landau quantisation of excitons.
  • Dr. Elena Del Valle is an expert in quantum optics and quantum cavity electrodynamics, known also for her works on excitons in quantum dots and superfluidity.
  • Dr. Alexander Tartakovskii is an expert in semiconductor optics known for his works on quantum dots and microcavities.
  • Prof. Nikolay Gippius is a well-known expert in non-linear optical and semiconductor physics.
  • Dr. Gabriela Slavcheva is an expert in theoretical solid state optics known for her works on numerical simulation of optical processes in semiconductor structures.
  • Prof. Abdelhakim Nafidi is an expert in high-temperature superconductivity also known for his research on the Mott transition.
  • Prof. Hugo N. Nazareno is a theorist, expert in electronic transport in disordered systems.
  • Dr. Vladimir Rumyantsev is an expert in nanophysics and virtual research structures.
  • Prof. Vyacheslav Elyukhin is an expert in statistical thermodynamics of semiconductor materials and theory of phase transitions.
  • Prof. Vladimir Dneprovskii is a lecturer of Moscow University.
  • Dr. Mehran Bagheri is an expert in optical and transport characteristics of low dimensional mesoscopic systems.
  • Prof. Yuri Pusep is an expert in optical and transport properties of low dimensional electronic systems.
  • Prof. Alexey Efros is a world leading expert in disordered systems who gave key contributions in various areas of the theoretical solid state physics.
  • Prof. Constantinos Simserides is an expert in theoretical solid state physics.
  • Prof. Robert Shekhter is an expert in nanomechanics known for a wide range of studies in quantum transport.
  • Prof. Yuri Galperin is an internationally well known expert in solid state theory who gave important contributions to the theory of electronic transport in low-dimensional systems.
  • Prof. Alexander Bouzdin is an expert in superconductivity known for his works on the Abrikosov vortices in various types of superconductors.
  • Prof. Alexander Onipko is an expert in theoretical physics.
  • Prof. Vadim Lyssenko is an expert in organic semiconductors and non-linear optics.
  • Dr. Thomas Prevenslik is an expert in quantum electrodynamics.
  • Mr. Robert Brueckner an expert in organic solid state lasers.
  • Dr. Julia Shikina is an expert in numerical treatment of many body systems.
  • Mr. Boris Kheyfets is an expert in the theory of metals, an author of a popular text-book on this matter.
  • Prof. Alexey Ustinov is an expert in nanotechnologies and quantum technologies.
  • Prof. Igor Lerner is a world well-known expert in theory of superconductivity and transport effects in electronic systems.
  • Mr. Petr Averyanov is an expert in numerical simulations of optoelectronic devices.
  • Mr. Einar Magnússon is an expert in spin and optical properties of excitons.
  • Mr. Ivan Iorsh is an expert in many body problems and lasing.
  • Dr. Konstantinos Lagoudakis is an expert in superfluidity and vortices.
  • Prof. Eugeniyus Ivchenko is a world leading expert in theory of semiconductor heterostructures known for his pioneering works on photogalvanics and optics of excitons.
  • Dr. Marzena Szymanska is an expert in theory of cold atomic gases and exciton Bose-Einstein condensation.
  • Dr. Antonio Cricenti is an expert in the material science.
  • Ms. Bioud Fatma-Zohra is an expert in biophotonics.
  • Prof. Anatoliy Sidorenko is an expert in superconductivity.
  • Dr. Natalia Kaputkina is an expert in theoretical physics of excitons.
  • Dr. Jacqueline Bloch is a world leading expert in physics of microcavities especially known for her pioneering works on the Bose Einstein condensation of exciton polaritons, polariton lasing and optical switching.
  • Prof. Feodor Kusmartsev is a well-known expert in theoretical solid state physics.
  • Dr. Mohamed Khalfaoui is an expert in astrophysics.
  • Dr. Massimiliano Romano is a famous expert in mixology and art of spirits.
  • Dr. Najeh Rekik is an expert in quantum chemistry.
  • Prof. Giovanni Ambrosino is world leading expert in medical physics who invented several new methods of radiology of tumors.
  • Prof. Vladimir Agranovich is a world-wide known theoretical physicist who gave key contribution to theory of exciton-polaritons and excitons in organic crystals.
  • Dr. Goran Pavlovic is an expert in the physics of exciton-polaritons.
  • Dr. Michal Matuszewski is an expert in cold atom physics, superfludity and supersolidity.
  • Dr. Jerzy Lusakowski is an expert in semiconductor physics.
  • Dr. Maria Lifshitz is a theoretical physicist working in the field of spintronics.
  • Dr. Igor Rozhanskiy is an experimental physicist, expert in solid state physics.
  • Prof. Bilal Tanatar is an expert in experimental physics.
  • Prof. Malik Maaza is an expert in multifunctional materials, nanoscience and science policy.
  • Prof. Yan Chen is an expert in the theory of phase transitions and correlated systems.
  • Dr. Mauro Antezza is an expert in cold atom physics.
  • Prof. Bernard Gil gave key contributions to the optics of wide-band-gap semiconductors, group theory and exciton physics.
  • Mr. Roberto Iuppa is an expert in elementary particle and plasma physics.
  • Ms. Nina Voronova is an expert in quantum liquids known for her works on exciton polaritons in traps.
  • Prof. Paul Smeulders is an expert in elementary particle physics, author of a pioneering concept of the time-dependent speed of light.
  • Dr. Maria Maragkou is an expert in photonics and semiconductor optics.
  • Dr. Emiliano Cancelliere is an expert in semiconductor optics.
  • Dr. Sergei Ryzhkov is an expert in quantum hydrodynamics.
  • Dr. Margherita Marsili is an expert in ab-initio calculations of the optical properties of low dimensional systems and new materials.
  • Dr. Andrea d'Andrea is an expert in theory of excitons and optics of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
  • Dr. Antonino Pietropaolo is an expert in elementary particle physics.
  • Prof. Ming-Wei Wu is an expert in optics and electronic properties of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
  • Dr. Mikhail Glazov is an expert in nanophysics and spintronics.
  • Prof. Alexander Chaplik is a world-well known expert in electronic properties of low-dimensional structures.
  • Prof. Anvar Zakhidov is an international expert in carbon nanotubes and the Head of Solarno company.
  • Dr. Benoit Jouault is an expert in structural and electronic properties of graphene and graphite.
  • Prof. Yury Lozovik is an internationally recognised expert in theory of excitons and many body physics.
  • Dr. Mimoun El Marssi is an expert in material science known for his works on ferroelectrics.
  • Ms. Claudia Violante is an expert in ab-initio calculation of crystal structures.
  • Dr. Stanislav Moshkalev is an expert in nanotechnologies, new materials and applications.
  • Dr. Mikhail Kiselev is an expert in theoretical condensed matter and statistical physics.
  • Ms. Paola Gori is an expert in ab-initio modelling of novel nanostructures.
  • Dr. Laura Pilozzi is an expert in theory of excitons and optics of now-dimensional structures.
  • Prof. Danijel Djurekis an expert in high temperature superconductivity.
  • Prof. Attilio Rigomonti is a world-wide known expert in superconductivty and science policy.
  • Dr. Sergey Poltavtsev is an expert in spin optics of semiconductors.
  • Dr. Dario Gerace is an expert in photonic crystals and light matter coupling.
  • Dr. Mario Caringi is a well known expert in medical physics.
  • Prof. Antonio Bianconi is an expert in metamaterials and complex heterostructures.
  • Dr. Stefano Bellocchio is a world-recognised expert in electronic engineering and computer modelling, Head of the IT Department of MIFP.
  • Colonel Michele Turi is an expert in aeronautics and navigation.
  • Ms. Elena Kammann is an expert in polariton lasing and Optical spin Hall effect.
  • Dr. Igor Kupchak is an expert in theoretical ab initio physics.
  • Dr. Ivan Savenko is an expert in terahertz optics and polaritonics.
  • Mr. Arseniy Alexeev is an expert in low-dimensional quantum systems.
  • Prof. Olga Vinogradova is an expert in soft condensed matter, fluid mechanics and nanoscience.
  • Dr. Andrea Perali is an expert in theoretical condensed matter physics.
  • Dr. Valentin Dediu is an expert in Spintronics and Organic materials.
  • Mr. Hess Tylor is an expert in aeronautics.
  • Prof. Carlos Trallero Giner is an expert in Bose-Einstein condensation.
  • Mr. Mikhail Durnev is an expert in excitons.
  • Prof. Emilio Elizalde is an expert in astrophysics and cosmology.
  • Mr. Serguei Andreev is an expert in macroscopically arranged exciton states.
  • Dr. Maria Mackanicova is a EU project manager.
  • Dr. Gaetano Campi is a leading expert in semiconductor physics.
  • Prof. Pavel Belov is a worldwide well-known expert in metamaterials and acoustic waves.
  • Dr. Daniele Barretin is an expert in quantum dot physics and organic solar cells.
  • Prof. Alexander Alodjants is an expert in quantum optics and quantum information.
  • Prof. David Nielson is a world-leading expert in many-body theory and exotic phases in semiconductors. His recent work addresses superfluidity in graphene bilayers.
  • Dr. Paul Voisin is a world-leading expert in optics of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
  • Dr. Sven Hoefling is a leading expert in crystal growth and optical spectroscopy of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
  • Dr. Viktor Kabanov is an expert in metamaterials and plasmonics.
  • Dr. Katzir Yiftach is an expert in high intensity laser-matter interactions.
  • Dr Simone De Liberato is an expert in theory of light-matter coupling in solid state systems.
  • Dr. Dmitry Krizhanovskii is an expert in physics of semiconductor microcavities and polariton lasers.
  • Dr. Anna Rodina is an expert in symmetry and optical properties of semiconductors.
  • Dr. Oleksandr Kyriienko is an expert in theory of exciton-polaritons.
  • Dr. Stefano Portolan is an expert in polariton physics, semiconductor photonics and quantum optics.
  • Dr. Carlo Levi is an expert in photovoltaics and bio-physics.
  • Prof. Tuğrul Hakioglu is an expert in low temperature condensed matter physics.
  • Prof. Mohammed Shabat is an expert in optics.
  • Prof. Luca Sapienza is an expert in quantum optics and nanoscience.
  • Prof. Vladimir Manucharyan is an expert in mesoscopic physics and quantum information.
  • Ms. Evgenia Cherotchenko is an expert in hybrid Fermi-Bose systems.
  • Prof. Federico Capasso is a world-wide known expert in semiconductor physics and optics, a pioneer of Quantum Cascade Lasing.
  • Mr. Anton Nalitov is an expert in the physics of excitons.
  • Ms. Svetlana Sidorenko is an expert in Neurology and Neurosurgery.
  • Dr. Mikhail Ivanov is a director of the world leading Physical-Technical Lyceum in Saint-Petersburg.
  • Dr. Liudmila Sidorenko is an expert in human physiology, molecular biology and human genetics.
  • Dr. Antonio Perrone is an expert in agriculture and engineering.
  • Prof. Vladimir Fomin is an expert in theoretical physics and nanophysics.
  • Dr. Fabrizio Marchese is an expert in the physics of elementary particles and in the patent law.
  • Dr. Alexander Poddubny is an expert in metamaterials, photonic crystals and exciton-polaritons.
  • Dr. Roosanna Harutyunyan Yessayan is an expert in Chemical Physics.
  • Prof. Carlos Duque Echeverri is an expert in semiconductor physics and electronic properties of solids.
  • Dr. Juan Carlos Martínez Orozco is an expert in nanophysics and microelectronics.
  • Mr. Charles Downing is an expert in theory of spin-related phenomena in graphene and carbon nanotubes.
  • Dr. Maria Kuznetsova is an expert in spin physics of semiconductors.
  • Dr. Mauro Missori is an expert in complex systems.
  • Dr. Pavel Ginzburg is an expert in metamaterials and photonics.
  • Dr. Christian Schneider is an expert in polaritonics and semiconductor physics.
  • His Excellency Shirish Soni is a Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan and Kyrgizstan.
  • Dr. Alexandra Sheremet is an expert in quantum optics and atomic physics.
  • Mr. Fedor Fedechkin is an expert in the exciton physics and spintronics.
  • Prof. Tatiana Shubina is an expert in optical spectroscopy of semiconductors.
  • Prof. Joel Belessa is a world leading expert in plasmonics.
  • Dr. Anna Posazhennikova is an expert in theory of Fermi and Bose gases.
  • Dr. Grzergorz Sek is an expert in semiconductor optics and lasing.
  • Dr. Monica Medeot is an expert in geology and gemology.
  • Dr. Alexey Slobozhanyuk is an expert in metamaterials and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Prof. Maurizio De Crescenzi is an expert in structural properties of matter.
  • Dr. Alina Karabchevsky is an expert in optical waveguides and molecular cocktails.
  • Dr. Enrico Scantamburlo is an expert in material science.
  • Prof. Jerome Tignon is an expert in terahertz spectroscopy and parametric amplifiers.
  • Prof. Alexander Chudnovskiy is an expert in the solid state physics and microelectronics.
  • Prof. Giuseppe Balestrino is an expert in superconductivity.
  • Prof. Grigorios Itskos is an expert in semiconductor nanostructures.
  • Dr. Aurelia Chenu is an expert in light-matter coupling.
  • Prof. Leonardo Modesto is an expert in quantum gravitation theory.
  • Dr. Antonino Marciano is an expert in quantum gravitation.
  • Dr. Alexey Okulov is an expert in quantum optics.
  • Dr. Mirella Koleva is an expert in bio-physics.
  • Prof. Alexander Tagantsev is an expert in ferroics and solid state theory.
  • Dr. Andrea Reale is an expert photovoltaics and electronic device simulations.
  • Mr. Nikita Kavokine is an expert in fluidics and organic synthesis.
  • Mr. Tanveer Tabish is an expert in metamaterials.
  • Prof. Leonid Shvartsman is an expert in theoretical condensed matter physics and quantum optics.
  • Prof. David Citrin is an experts in plasmonics and confined optical systems.
  • Dr. Stella Kutrovskaya is an expert in electron microscopy.
  • Prof. Spiros Skourtis is an expert in molecular biophysics and chemical physics.
  • Ms Varvara Chunakova is an expert in Public relations, marketing and business administration.
  • Dr. Arango Restrepo is an expert in quantum dot theory.
  • Dr. Walter Ospina is an expert in nano-physics.
  • Dr. Galina Novik is an expert in microbiology.
  • Prof. David Lidzey is a world leading expert in organic semiconductors and organic based opto-electronics.
  • Dr. Fabiana Arduini is an expert in material science and chemistry.
  • Dr. Illaria Cacciotti is an expert in CBRN and environmental security.
  • Prof. Ligia Maria Moretto is an expert in material science and CBRNE.
  • Dr. Daniele Fargion is an expert in astrophysics and elementary particle physics.
  • Prof. Riccardo Valentini, the Nobel Prize winner, is a world leading expert in climate studies.
  • Dr. Yury Illarionov is an expert in microelectronics and semiconductor physics.
  • Prof. Bingsuo Zou is an expert in quantum dots and colloidal systems.
  • Dr. Polina Kuzhir is an expert in Nanophysics and Photonics.
  • Dr. Igor Chestnov is an expert in photonic engineering and optical gyroscopes.
  • Dr. Andre Xuereb is a quantum physicist, expert in cold atoms.
  • Dr. Serge Karabchevsky is an expert in applied physics and engineering.
  • Dr. Lee from Seoul is an expert in mathematics and applied optics.
  • Mr. Lopez Camilo is an expert in the theoretical condensed matter physics and optics.
  • Dr. Maria Stella Prete is an expert in novel structures and materials.
  • Dr. Sergey Salikhov is an expert in crystallography and a former Head of Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia.
  • Prof. Ibrahim Abdulhalim is an expert in liquid crystals.
  • Mr. Davide Grassano is an expert in ab-initio calculations and 2D crystals.
  • Mr. Bishal Banjara is an expert in general relativity.
  • Dr. Vanya Darakchieva is an expert in wide band gap semiconductors.
  • Dr. Claudio Attacalite is an expert in engineering and computational physics.
  • Prof. Stefan Meier is a world-leading expert in plasmonics.
  • Dr. Julia Vorobyova is an expert in mesoscopic and quantum physics.
  • Prof. Manuela Scarselli is an expert in the electronic microscopy.
  • Dr. Lorenzo Gontrani is an expert in ab-initio calculations.
  • Dr. Olga Kusmartseva is an expert in optical physics and engineering.
  • Dr. Viktoriia Rutckaia is an expert in photonics.
  • Ms. Olga Doctorova is an expert in avionics and aeronautics.