The members of MIFP conduct theoretical and experimental research is many areas of Solid State Physics and Astrophysics.
The group of Prof. Rinaldo Santonico in collaboration with European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) currently works on gaseous detectors for elementary particles.
Prof. Boris Altshuler is one of the creators of mesoscopics also renowned for his works on theory of metals, superconductivity, quantum Hall effect.
Prof. Alexey Kavokin is specialising in the physics of light-matter coupling in nanostructures including microcavities and photonic crystals.
Prof. Andrey Varlamov is a renowned expert in superconductivity, an author of the "fluctuation theory".
Prof. Igor Lukyanchuk gave key contributions in the theory of superconductivity and theory of Dirac fermions in graphene.
Prof. Aldo Di Carlo is a head of Laboratory of Photovoltaics, he currently works on organic solar cells.
Prof. Daniele Sanvitto is a head of group of the optical spectroscopy of semiconductors. He is known for the recent discovery of the superfluidity of exciton-polaritons.
Prof. Olivia Pulci is an expert in ab-initio calculations of the electronic structure and optical properties of solids.
Dr. Galia Pozina is an expert in crystal growth and optical spectroscopy of wide band gap semiconductors.
Prof. Ivan Shelykh is known for his works on "Spinoptronics" - spin dynamics of exciton-polaritons, and for his research in quantum transport.
Dr. Kirill Kavokin is an expert in spin-related effects in semiconductors also known for his research on magnetic orientation of birds.
Prof. Daoud Mezzane is a head of Laboratory of Ferroelectric materials dealing with fabrication of organic and inorganic semiconductors for microelectronic applications.
Dr. Fabrice Laussy is an expert in quantum cavity electrodynamics, the author of the text-book "Microcavities".
Prof. Mikhail Portnoi is an expert in exactly solvable physical problems renowned for his works on anyon excitons, excitons in nanostructures and carbon nanotubes.
Dr. Robert Vardanian is the Director of the Quantum College in Yerevan, which is a private secondary school specialised in physics and mathematics.
Prof. Alberto Bramati is an expert in quantum optics and spin dynamics in semiconductors known also for the recent discovery of superfluidity of exciton-polaritons.
Prof. Oleg Kibis is an expert in carbon nanotubes and graphene.
Prof. Zhanghai Chen is a head of the Material Science laboratory. He is known for his research on excitons in wide-band gap semiconductors.
Dr. Henni Ouerdane is an expert in excitons, scattering theory, many-body interactions, thermoelectricity and thermodynamics.
Dr. Yuriy Rubo is an expert in theoretical solid state physics including phase transitions, Wigner crystallisation, superfluidity and vortices.
Prof. Yakov Kopelevich is an author of pioneering works on electronic properties of semimetals and graphene. He experimentally discovered the quantum Hall effect in graphite.
Prof. Jeremy Baumberg is an expert in semiconductor non-linear optics and plasmonics. He discovered the bosonic stimulation of exciton polaritons and realised a room temperature polariton laser.
Mr. Fabio Liaci is an expert in optical spectroscopy and strain effects in semiconductors.
Mr. Adriano Mosca Conte is an expert in ab-initio studies of novel semiconductor structures and materials.
Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis is an expert in experimental studies of microcavities and hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductor structures.
Prof. Pavlos Savvidis is known for his works on polariton parametric oscillators and first realisation of the polariton light emitting diode.
Prof. Igor Aleiner is an expert in solid state theory, transport and spin properties of metals and semiconductors.
Prof. Leonid Butov is an expert in cold exciton gases known for the first observation of macroscopically ordered exciton phases.
Dr. Maria Vladimirova is known for her experiments on optically induced Faraday and Kerr rotation in complex semiconductor structures.
Prof. Cristiano Ciuti is an expert in the physics of light-matter coupling, well known for his theoretical works on exciton-polariton parametric amplifiers, ultra-strong coupling systems and polariton superfluidity.
Prof. Leonid Rokhinson is a specialist in spintronics and electronic transport in semiconductor nanostructures.
Prof. Yuliy Lyanda Geller is an expert in semiconductor physics known for his works on photogalvanic effect, Berry phase and spin-orbit interaction in semiconductors.
Dr. Natalia Berloff is an expert in theory of fluids also known for her works on vortices in atomic and polariton condensates.
Dr. Timothy Liew is known for his research on new concepts of optical integrated circuits and polariton logic gates.
Dr. Valerii Vinokur is an internationally well known for his theoretical works on supercondutivity, theory of metals, the concept of a super insulator.
Prof. Abderrahmane Kadri is an expert in the optical properties of wide-band gap semiconductors.
Dr. Khalid Moumanis is an expert in optical properties of semiconductors and Landau quantisation of excitons.
Dr. Elena Del Valle is an expert in quantum optics and quantum cavity electrodynamics, known also for her works on excitons in quantum dots and superfluidity.
Dr. Alexander Tartakovskii is an expert in semiconductor optics known for his works on quantum dots and microcavities.
Prof. Nikolay Gippius is a well-known expert in non-linear optical and semiconductor physics.
Dr. Gabriela Slavcheva is an expert in theoretical solid state optics known for her works on numerical simulation of optical processes in semiconductor structures.
Prof. Abdelhakim Nafidi is an expert in high-temperature superconductivity also known for his research on the Mott transition.
Prof. Hugo N. Nazareno is a theorist, expert in electronic transport in disordered systems.
Dr. Vladimir Rumyantsev is an expert in nanophysics and virtual research structures.
Prof. Vyacheslav Elyukhin is an expert in statistical thermodynamics of semiconductor materials and theory of phase transitions.
Prof. Vladimir Dneprovskii is a lecturer of Moscow University.
Dr. Mehran Bagheri is an expert in optical and transport characteristics of low dimensional mesoscopic systems.
Prof. Yuri Pusep is an expert in optical and transport properties of low dimensional electronic systems.
Prof. Alexey Efros is a world leading expert in disordered systems who gave key contributions in various areas of the theoretical solid state physics.
Prof. Constantinos Simserides is an expert in theoretical solid state physics.
Prof. Robert Shekhter is an expert in nanomechanics known for a wide range of studies in quantum transport.
Prof. Yuri Galperin is an internationally well known expert in solid state theory who gave important contributions to the theory of electronic transport in low-dimensional systems.
Prof. Alexander Bouzdin is an expert in superconductivity known for his works on the Abrikosov vortices in various types of superconductors.
Prof. Alexander Onipko is an expert in theoretical physics.
Prof. Vadim Lyssenko is an expert in organic semiconductors and non-linear optics.
Dr. Thomas Prevenslik is an expert in quantum electrodynamics.
Mr. Robert Brueckner an expert in organic solid state lasers.
Dr. Julia Shikina is an expert in numerical treatment of many body systems.
Mr. Boris Kheyfets is an expert in the theory of metals, an author of a popular text-book on this matter.
Prof. Alexey Ustinov is an expert in nanotechnologies and quantum technologies.
Prof. Igor Lerner is a world well-known expert in theory of superconductivity and transport effects in electronic systems.
Mr. Petr Averyanov is an expert in numerical simulations of optoelectronic devices.
Mr. Einar Magnússon is an expert in spin and optical properties of excitons.
Mr. Ivan Iorsh is an expert in many body problems and lasing.
Dr. Konstantinos Lagoudakis is an expert in superfluidity and vortices.
Prof. Eugeniyus Ivchenko is a world leading expert in theory of semiconductor heterostructures known for his pioneering works on photogalvanics and optics of excitons.
Dr. Marzena Szymanska is an expert in theory of cold atomic gases and exciton Bose-Einstein condensation.
Dr. Antonio Cricenti is an expert in the material science.
Ms. Bioud Fatma-Zohra is an expert in biophotonics.
Prof. Anatoliy Sidorenko is an expert in superconductivity.
Dr. Natalia Kaputkina is an expert in theoretical physics of excitons.
Dr. Jacqueline Bloch is a world leading expert in physics of microcavities especially known for her pioneering works on the Bose Einstein condensation of exciton polaritons, polariton lasing and optical switching.
Prof. Feodor Kusmartsev is a well-known expert in theoretical solid state physics.
Dr. Mohamed Khalfaoui is an expert in astrophysics.
Dr. Massimiliano Romano is a famous expert in mixology and art of spirits.
Dr. Najeh Rekik is an expert in quantum chemistry.
Prof. Giovanni Ambrosino is world leading expert in medical physics who invented several new methods of radiology of tumors.
Prof. Vladimir Agranovich is a world-wide known theoretical physicist who gave key contribution to theory of exciton-polaritons and excitons in organic crystals.
Dr. Goran Pavlovic is an expert in the physics of exciton-polaritons.
Dr. Michal Matuszewski is an expert in cold atom physics, superfludity and supersolidity.
Dr. Jerzy Lusakowski is an expert in semiconductor physics.
Dr. Maria Lifshitz is a theoretical physicist working in the field of spintronics.
Dr. Igor Rozhanskiy is an experimental physicist, expert in solid state physics.
Prof. Bilal Tanatar is an expert in experimental physics.
Prof. Malik Maaza is an expert in multifunctional materials, nanoscience and science policy.
Prof. Yan Chen is an expert in the theory of phase transitions and correlated systems.
Dr. Mauro Antezza is an expert in cold atom physics.
Prof. Bernard Gil gave key contributions to the optics of wide-band-gap semiconductors, group theory and exciton physics.
Mr. Roberto Iuppa is an expert in elementary particle and plasma physics.
Ms. Nina Voronova is an expert in quantum liquids known for her works on exciton polaritons in traps.
Prof. Paul Smeulders is an expert in elementary particle physics, author of a pioneering concept of the time-dependent speed of light.
Dr. Maria Maragkou is an expert in photonics and semiconductor optics.
Dr. Emiliano Cancelliere is an expert in semiconductor optics.
Dr. Sergei Ryzhkov is an expert in quantum hydrodynamics.
Dr. Margherita Marsili is an expert in ab-initio calculations of the optical properties of low dimensional systems and new materials.
Dr. Andrea d'Andrea is an expert in theory of excitons and optics of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
Dr. Antonino Pietropaolo is an expert in elementary particle physics.
Prof. Ming-Wei Wu is an expert in optics and electronic properties of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
Dr. Mikhail Glazov is an expert in nanophysics and spintronics.
Prof. Alexander Chaplik is a world-well known expert in electronic properties of low-dimensional structures.
Prof. Anvar Zakhidov is an international expert in carbon nanotubes and the Head of Solarno company.
Dr. Benoit Jouault is an expert in structural and electronic properties of graphene and graphite.
Prof. Yury Lozovik is an internationally recognised expert in theory of excitons and many body physics.
Dr. Mimoun El Marssi is an expert in material science known for his works on ferroelectrics.
Ms. Claudia Violante is an expert in ab-initio calculation of crystal structures.
Dr. Stanislav Moshkalev is an expert in nanotechnologies, new materials and applications.
Dr. Mikhail Kiselev is an expert in theoretical condensed matter and statistical physics.
Ms. Paola Gori is an expert in ab-initio modelling of novel nanostructures.
Dr. Laura Pilozzi is an expert in theory of excitons and optics of now-dimensional structures.
Prof. Danijel Djurekis an expert in high temperature superconductivity.
Prof. Attilio Rigomonti is a world-wide known expert in superconductivty and science policy.
Dr. Sergey Poltavtsev is an expert in spin optics of semiconductors.
Dr. Dario Gerace is an expert in photonic crystals and light matter coupling.
Dr. Mario Caringi is a well known expert in medical physics.
Prof. Antonio Bianconi is an expert in metamaterials and complex heterostructures.
Dr. Stefano Bellocchio is a world-recognised expert in electronic engineering and computer modelling, Head of the IT Department of MIFP.
Colonel Michele Turi is an expert in aeronautics and navigation.
Ms. Elena Kammann is an expert in polariton lasing and Optical spin Hall effect.
Dr. Igor Kupchak is an expert in theoretical ab initio physics.
Dr. Ivan Savenko is an expert in terahertz optics and polaritonics.
Mr. Arseniy Alexeev is an expert in low-dimensional quantum systems.
Prof. Olga Vinogradova is an expert in soft condensed matter, fluid mechanics and nanoscience.
Dr. Andrea Perali is an expert in theoretical condensed matter physics.
Dr. Valentin Dediu is an expert in Spintronics and Organic materials.
Mr. Hess Tylor is an expert in aeronautics.
Prof. Carlos Trallero Giner is an expert in Bose-Einstein condensation.
Mr. Mikhail Durnev is an expert in excitons.
Prof. Emilio Elizalde is an expert in astrophysics and cosmology.
Mr. Serguei Andreev is an expert in macroscopically arranged exciton states.
Dr. Maria Mackanicova is a EU project manager.
Dr. Gaetano Campi is a leading expert in semiconductor physics.
Prof. Pavel Belov is a worldwide well-known expert in metamaterials and acoustic waves.
Dr. Daniele Barretin is an expert in quantum dot physics and organic solar cells.
Prof. Alexander Alodjants is an expert in quantum optics and quantum information.
Prof. David Nielson is a world-leading expert in many-body theory and exotic phases in semiconductors. His recent work addresses superfluidity in graphene bilayers.
Dr. Paul Voisin is a world-leading expert in optics of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
Dr. Sven Hoefling is a leading expert in crystal growth and optical spectroscopy of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
Dr. Viktor Kabanov is an expert in metamaterials and plasmonics.
Dr. Katzir Yiftach is an expert in high intensity laser-matter interactions.
Dr Simone De Liberato is an expert in theory of light-matter coupling in solid state systems.
Dr. Dmitry Krizhanovskii is an expert in physics of semiconductor microcavities and polariton lasers.
Dr. Anna Rodina is an expert in symmetry and optical properties of semiconductors.
Dr. Oleksandr Kyriienko is an expert in theory of exciton-polaritons.
Dr. Stefano Portolan is an expert in polariton physics, semiconductor photonics and quantum optics.
Dr. Carlo Levi is an expert in photovoltaics and bio-physics.
Prof. Tuğrul Hakioglu is an expert in low temperature condensed matter physics.
Prof. Mohammed Shabat is an expert in optics.
Prof. Luca Sapienza is an expert in quantum optics and nanoscience.
Prof. Vladimir Manucharyan is an expert in mesoscopic physics and quantum information.
Ms. Evgenia Cherotchenko is an expert in hybrid Fermi-Bose systems.
Prof. Federico Capasso is a world-wide known expert in semiconductor physics and optics, a pioneer of Quantum Cascade Lasing.
Mr. Anton Nalitov is an expert in the physics of excitons.
Ms. Svetlana Sidorenko is an expert in Neurology and Neurosurgery.
Dr. Mikhail Ivanov is a director of the world leading Physical-Technical Lyceum in Saint-Petersburg.
Dr. Liudmila Sidorenko is an expert in human physiology, molecular biology and human genetics.
Dr. Antonio Perrone is an expert in agriculture and engineering.
Prof. Vladimir Fomin is an expert in theoretical physics and nanophysics.
Dr. Fabrizio Marchese is an expert in the physics of elementary particles and in the patent law.
Dr. Alexander Poddubny is an expert in metamaterials, photonic crystals and exciton-polaritons.
Dr. Roosanna Harutyunyan Yessayan is an expert in Chemical Physics.
Prof. Carlos Duque Echeverri is an expert in semiconductor physics and electronic properties of solids.
Dr. Juan Carlos Martínez Orozco is an expert in nanophysics and microelectronics.
Mr. Charles Downing is an expert in theory of spin-related phenomena in graphene and carbon nanotubes.
Dr. Maria Kuznetsova is an expert in spin physics of semiconductors.
Dr. Mauro Missori is an expert in complex systems.
Dr. Pavel Ginzburg is an expert in metamaterials and photonics.
Dr. Christian Schneider is an expert in polaritonics and semiconductor physics.
His Excellency Shirish Soni is a Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan and Kyrgizstan.
Dr. Alexandra Sheremet is an expert in quantum optics and atomic physics.
Mr. Fedor Fedechkin is an expert in the exciton physics and spintronics.
Prof. Tatiana Shubina is an expert in optical spectroscopy of semiconductors.
Prof. Joel Belessa is a world leading expert in plasmonics.
Dr. Anna Posazhennikova is an expert in theory of Fermi and Bose gases.
Dr. Grzergorz Sek is an expert in semiconductor optics and lasing.
Dr. Monica Medeot is an expert in geology and gemology.
Dr. Alexey Slobozhanyuk is an expert in metamaterials and magnetic resonance imaging.
Prof. Maurizio De Crescenzi is an expert in structural properties of matter.
Dr. Alina Karabchevsky is an expert in optical waveguides and molecular cocktails.
Dr. Enrico Scantamburlo is an expert in material science.
Prof. Jerome Tignon is an expert in terahertz spectroscopy and parametric amplifiers.
Prof. Alexander Chudnovskiy is an expert in the solid state physics and microelectronics.
Prof. Giuseppe Balestrino is an expert in superconductivity.
Prof. Grigorios Itskos is an expert in semiconductor nanostructures.
Dr. Aurelia Chenu is an expert in light-matter coupling.
Prof. Leonardo Modesto is an expert in quantum gravitation theory.
Dr. Antonino Marciano is an expert in quantum gravitation.
Dr. Alexey Okulov is an expert in quantum optics.
Dr. Mirella Koleva is an expert in bio-physics.
Prof. Alexander Tagantsev is an expert in ferroics and solid state theory.
Dr. Andrea Reale is an expert photovoltaics and electronic device simulations.
Mr. Nikita Kavokine is an expert in fluidics and organic synthesis.
Mr. Tanveer Tabish is an expert in metamaterials.
Prof. Leonid Shvartsman is an expert in theoretical condensed matter physics and quantum optics.
Prof. David Citrin is an experts in plasmonics and confined optical systems.
Dr. Stella Kutrovskaya is an expert in electron microscopy.
Prof. Spiros Skourtis is an expert in molecular biophysics and chemical physics.
Ms Varvara Chunakova is an expert in Public relations, marketing and business administration.
Dr. Arango Restrepo is an expert in quantum dot theory.
Dr. Walter Ospina is an expert in nano-physics.
Dr. Galina Novik is an expert in microbiology.
Prof. David Lidzey is a world leading expert in organic semiconductors and organic based opto-electronics.
Dr. Fabiana Arduini is an expert in material science and chemistry.
Dr. Illaria Cacciotti is an expert in CBRN and environmental security.
Prof. Ligia Maria Moretto is an expert in material science and CBRNE.
Dr. Daniele Fargion is an expert in astrophysics and elementary particle physics.
Prof. Riccardo Valentini, the Nobel Prize winner, is a world leading expert in climate studies.
Dr. Yury Illarionov is an expert in microelectronics and semiconductor physics.
Prof. Bingsuo Zou is an expert in quantum dots and colloidal systems.
Dr. Polina Kuzhir is an expert in Nanophysics and Photonics.
Dr. Igor Chestnov is an expert in photonic engineering and optical gyroscopes.
Dr. Andre Xuereb is a quantum physicist, expert in cold atoms.
Dr. Serge Karabchevsky is an expert in applied physics and engineering.
Dr. Lee from Seoul is an expert in mathematics and applied optics.
Mr. Lopez Camilo is an expert in the theoretical condensed matter physics and optics.
Dr. Maria Stella Prete is an expert in novel structures and materials.
Dr. Sergey Salikhov is an expert in crystallography and a former Head of Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia.
Prof. Ibrahim Abdulhalim is an expert in liquid crystals.
Mr. Davide Grassano is an expert in ab-initio calculations and 2D crystals.
Mr. Bishal Banjara is an expert in general relativity.
Dr. Vanya Darakchieva is an expert in wide band gap semiconductors.
Dr. Claudio Attacalite is an expert in engineering and computational physics.
Prof. Stefan Meier is a world-leading expert in plasmonics.
Dr. Julia Vorobyova is an expert in mesoscopic and quantum physics.
Prof. Manuela Scarselli is an expert in the electronic microscopy.
Dr. Lorenzo Gontrani is an expert in ab-initio calculations.
Dr. Olga Kusmartseva is an expert in optical physics and engineering.
Dr. Viktoriia Rutckaia is an expert in photonics.
Ms. Olga Doctorova is an expert in avionics and aeronautics.