Forthcoming Events


January 27 - February 1, 2025
Universidad de la Amazonia - Florencia, Colombia


February 1 - 4, 2025
Universidad Nacional De Colombia - Leticia


April 8 - 13, 2025
Xiamen - China



Manifesto of Solidarity

Congratulation to Dr. Nikita Kavokine 

For the prize: PRISM-2024 - Junior PRISM Category

Congratulation to Professor Federico Capasso
For the prize: PRISM prize 2023 - Senior PRISM category

Congratulation to Carlos A. Duque and his group for publication of an important publication about:

Deep learning neural network for approaching Schrödinger problems with arbitrary twodimensional confinement.

PLMNC 2023 - Medellin, Colombia
MIFP - Athena European University - Educational Institution Javiera Londoño

Our key actors team promote the European
model Athena to future generations stimulating mobility and
attracting and retaining talented students


Congratulations to Daniele Barettin 

and his group for publication of an important Nano Letter on Driect band gap AlGaAs wurtzite nanowires.

ICP2DC6 - 2022, Yerevan Armenia
MIFP - Athena European University - Quantum College

Our key actors team promote the European
model Athena to future generations stimulating mobility and
attracting and retaining talented students

Congratulations to Prof. Alexey Kavokin,
the Scientific Director of MIFP,
who was awarded with the International Quantum Device Award 2020

"For the prediction of room temperature Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons, that led to the development of polariton lasers"

Congratulations to the
President of MIFP Dr. Giuseppe Eramo
with the Honorary Professorship
at the State University of Vladimir (Russia)

Congratulations to Rinaldo Santonico
MIFP congratulates the
Member of its Scientific Council,
Professor Rinaldo Santonico
with a prestigious International Award of
the Division of Particles and Fields (DPF) of the Americal Physical Society.

The DPF Instrumentation award (2018) has been given to
Rinaldo Santonico for the development of
large gap Resistive Plate Chambers.

The President of MIFP Giuseppe Eramo together with the
Member of MIFP and Nobel Prize Award Riccardo Valentini
received the Honoris Causa of Georgian Technical University in Tbilisi on 17/11/2018
from the Rector Prof. Dr. Archil Prangishvili

Stepanakert, 29th of June 2018
The President of MIFP Giuseppe Eramo
and the Principal of the Quantum College of Yerevan
have signed the Partnership and Collaboration Agreement.
The Ceremony has been attended by
the Minister of Science and Education of Armenia
and Minister of Science, Sport and Education of Artsakh.
Read more (English) »
Read more (Russian) »

Congratulations to the
Scientific Director of MIFP Professor Alexey Kavokin
with the Honorary Professorship
at the State University of Vladimir (Russia)

PRL has promoted on its front page the work of MIFP Members
Daniele Sanvitto, Dario Ballarini, Fabrice Laussy and Lorenzo Dominici.

The image shows a Bose-Einstein condensate of exciton-polaritons.

The Scientific Director of MIFP

Professor Alexey Kavokin is awarded by the Honorary Doctorship of the Russian-Armenian University (Erevan, Armenia).
The Award ceremony will take place in Erevan on the 22nd of December 2017.

Professor Alexey Abrikosov

Has passed away today, March 30, 2017, at the age of 88.
He will always be remembered as one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the XXth century.

Bernard Gil & Anvar Zakhidov

Congratulations to the members of MIFP Bernard Gil and Anvar Zakhidov
who won the prestigious Megagrants of the Government of Russian Federation.

Aldo Di Carlo

Congratulations to the member of MIFP Aldo Di Carlo who won the prestigous Megagrants of the Government of Russian Federation.





Mediterranean Institute of Fundamenta Physics


AGREEMENT OF  COOLABORATION BETWEEN THE Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics AND Technical University of Georgia

Georgian International Relations

Mr. Nikita Kavokine - Pubblication

The Member of MIFP Mr. Nikita Kavokine
has published his research on the
"Light-Driven Transport of a Liquid Marble with and against Surface Flows"
in the prestigeous Angewandte Chemie 

Recent highlighted publication of the Members of MIFP

"Towards a feasible implementation of quantum neural networks using quantum dots"
Mikhail V. Altaisky, Nadezhda N. Zolnikova, Natalia E. Kaputkina,Victor A. Krylov,Yurii E. Lozovik, and Nikesh S. Dattani
Applied Physics Letters,108, 103108 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4943622

"Spin–orbit coupling of light in asymmetric microcavities"
L. B. Ma, S. L. Li, V. M. Fomin, M. Hentschel, J. B. Götte, Y. Yin, M. R. Jorgensen, O. G. Schmidt
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 10983 doi:10.1038/ncomms10983

Havana, February 2nd, 2016

The Member of Scientific Council of MIFP Prof. Andrey Varlamov receives the
Distinction for Teaching and Research from the
Minister of Science and Education of Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov.

Quantum physicists from MIFP unravel the secret of roulette

Since the early XVIIIth century roulette is one of the most popular, most elegant and most dangerous gambling games. An ideal roulette always wins against any gambler, if the game continues indefinitely. All winning strategies fail at sufficiently long time scales.
Nevertheless, there are professional roulette players who make good money playing roulette on an every day basis. What is their secret? How a human being may outplay the most perfect mathematical machine?
It their recent publication, the physicists from MIFP

Alexey Kavokin, Alexandra Sheremet and Mikhail Petrov
present a theory of a realistic non-ideal roulette where probabilities of realisations of different numbers slightly deviate. They propose a simple strategy that exploits the non-ideality of the roulette and makes its expected return positive for the gambler.

For more details see Bunching of numbers in a non-ideal roulette: the key to winning strategies

Le kaléidoscope de la physique

Congratulations to Andrey Varlamov and Attilio Rigamonti for the

Grand PrixRoberval 2015.

Two Members of MIFP has received this prestigious award for their book entitled

"Le kaléidoscope de la physique".

Enhanced thermoelectric coupling near eletronic phase transition: The role of fluctuation Cooper pairs

The article "Enhanced thermoelectric coupling near eletronic phase transition: The role of fluctuation Cooper pairs"
by the Members of MIFP H. Ouerdane, A. A. Varlamov and A. V. Kavokin
has been published as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B

16th International Conference on the Physics of Light-Matter Coupling

The 16th International Conference on the Physics of Light-Matter Coupling
has been organized by MIFP and the University of Antioquia
in Medellin (Colombia), from 3 to 8 of February 2015

Dispersion characteristics of electromagnetic excitations in a disordered one-dimensional lattice of coupled microresonators 

The article "Dispersion characteristics of electromagnetic excitations in a disordered one-dimensional lattice of coupled microresonators"
by the Member of MIFP Dr. V.V. Rumyantsev has been published on Physica B

Max’s Brasserie

The President of MIFP is happy to announce:

Max's Brasserie

9 Commercial Road, Southampton, SO15 1GF, UK

It is proud to be the home of the world famous Balsamic Gin & Tonic

Max offers generous discounts to All Members of MIFP!
Max Bar is the only place in the World where you can order the M.I.F.P. cocktail.

Exciton-like electromagnetic excitations

Members of MIFP Vladimir Rumyantsev and Alexey Kavokin
have published a paper of exciton-like electromagentic excitations in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing group).
This prestigeous publication is affiliated to MIFP!

A Historic Experiment Redesigned

A Historic Experiment Redesigned

MIFP Members Sven Hoefling and Alexey Kavokin
discuss in Nature the remarkable new observation by the group from Dortmund: giant Rydberg excitons with the size as large as 2 micrometers have been observed in transmission spectra of natural crystals of copper oxide. This experiment redesignes the historic experiment of 1952 which allowed Evgenii Gross and Nury Karryjew to observe Wannier-Mott excitons for the first time.

Nobel Prize for Physics

The Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to
I. Akasaki, H. Amano and S. Nakamura
for the development of blue Light Emitting Diodes based on GaN.

While the revolutionary technological advances in this area have been made in Japan in 1980s-1990s, the fundamental properties of GaN based heterostructures have been thoroughfully studied in Europe by MIFP Members.
Bernard Gil (CNRS, Montpellier, France) was one of the first to fully appreciate importance of wurtzitic crystals for semiconductor lighting. In his seminal papers:
  • "Internal structure and oscillator strengths of excitons in strained alpha-GaN", (B. Gil and O. Briot, Phys. Rev. B55, 2530 (1997))
  • "Optical anisotropy of excitons in strained GaN epilayers grown along the [10(1)over-bar-0] direction", (B. Gil and A.Alemu, Phys. Rev. B56, 12446 (1997))
  • "Valence-band physics and the optical properties of GaN epilayers grown onto sapphire with wurtzite symmetry", (Bernard Gil, Olivier Briot, and Roger-Louis Aulombard, Phys. Rev. B 52, R17028(R) (1995))
he has started systematic research on excitons in GaN.
In 1998, together with Alexey Kavokin, Bernard has proposed GaN-based microcavities for strong coupling applications:
  • "GaN microcavities: Giant Rabi splitting and optical anisotropy"
    (A. Kavokin and B. Gil, Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, 2880 (1998))
This work has stimulated a multinational research effort on realisation of GaN-based polariton lasers in the framework of "CLERMONT", "CLERMONT2", "CLERMONT4" network projects, which has been crowned by a success of the group of MIFP member Jeremy Baumberg (Southampton, Cambridge) in 2007:
  • "Room temperature polariton lasing in semiconductor microcavities"
    (S. Christopoulos et al , Phys.Rev. Lett., 98, 126405 (2007))
Bernard Gil involved many groups in the research of nitrides. He has published two text-books and hundreds of research papers on this topic.

Celebrating the Nobel Prize of Akasaki-Nakamura-Amano we also pay tribute to the important contributions of Bernard and his colleagues to the research on group III nitrides.

MIFP congratulates

Profs. Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura with the
Nobel Prize for Physics 2014!
Many of us have strong collaboration links with the present Nobel winners.
The joint publication of MIFP members
Tatiana Shubina and Alexey Kavokin with Professor Amano on
Mie resonances, infrared emission and bandgap of InN can be found here: